Picking Up Workers Outside Home Depot (Mexican Laborers)

Updated: | Author: Elissa Huebert | Affiliate links may be present.

You may have seen a small crowd of people looking for work in the Home Depot Parking lot. Who are these people? Are these laborers a good option for your home improvement projects? Let’s look into the ins and outs of hiring Mexican day laborers!

Day laborers are often congregated in the parking lots of Home Depots across the country. These individuals are usually undocumented immigrants looking for work.

If you are looking for mexican workers / day laborers outside The Home Depot to help you with a project, be clear about the scope of the project and your expectations. You should set an hourly pay rate before you hire a laborer. Provide a safe space, water, food, and bathroom facilities for any workers you hire.

How to Hire a Day Laborer at Home Depot

This may seem like an overwhelming task! If there are many laborers in the parking lot, you may be swarmed by hopeful workers shouting “Trabajo!” (work). How do you pick the necessary workers from the throng?

Describe the Project to Be Completed

Have a detailed description of the job as well as your expectations. Pictures are helpful! Take pictures of the project area and then also provide pictures of what you desire for the finished product. This will also help with any miscommunications due to the language barrier.

Have a laborer description on hand as well. Are you looking for a carpenter? Do you need someone with drywall skills? Or, do you simply need someone for grunt work? It may be helpful to make a sign with the designated job in English and Spanish, such as “Drywall” or “Yardwork”.

Overcome the Language Barrier

Some Mexican laborers do not speak any English. If your Spanish is a bit rusty (or non-existent!), this may be the time to learn a few basic phrases. Find a friend who knows some Spanish, or use Google translate to write out a job description in Spanish.

There may be workers who speak some English. Pick these workers in order to simplify communication if you don’t speak any Spanish. Alternatively, if you know someone who speaks Spanish, bring them along to translate.

Ask for Pictures of Recent Work

Many laborers will save photos of work on their phones. Once you’ve narrowed the field to a few workers, ask them for pictures of previous work. This should give you a better idea of their skills and expertise.

What Documentation Should I Check?

I’ll be honest, most day laborers are undocumented immigrants. If this is a concern for you, ask for the following documentation.


An insured laborer will give you peace of mind that you will not be held financially responsible for any accidents that occur on your property. Call the number on the insurance card to verify the workers’ policy.

Contractors’ License

A contractors’ license is issued by the government or a workers’ guild to allow the holder to legally perform a certain job or task. There are usually qualifying standards that the contractor must meet in order to be licensed.

A licensed contractor is able to obtain permits for the project too. If you go with unlicensed workers, you are responsible for any necessary permits that may be required down the road.

Recent Worksite Information

Ask for references and photos! This helpful information can give you an idea of the worker’s skills, competence, and work ethic.

How Much Should I Pay Day Laborers?

Average Hourly Rate

Generally, day laborers are paid $10-$12 per hour. Don’t lowball them! If you pick up a laborer with a specialized skill, make sure you pay them fairly for their skill level. If you are satisfied with the work provided, add on a bonus or increase the hourly rate.

Provide Water, Food, and Restrooms

Food, water, and restrooms are a common courtesy that should be provided to any laborer that works on your home. It doesn’t have to be fancy!

Give Them a Ride

Return the laborers to the Home Depot at the end of the day or when the project is complete. Be clear if you need them to continue the project the next day and arrange a meeting place and time.

Treat Your Workers Well

Unfortunately, many day laborers are accustomed to unfair treatment. Often due to a language barrier or immigration status, they don’t have any way to combat this treatment.

Day laborers are human beings and deserve to be treated with respect and courtesy. They are willing to work hard to support themselves and often their families as well. As their boss, it is your responsibility to make sure they are safe and well. Any lesser treatment is cruel.

Ethical Issues

Some people are concerned with the legal ramifications of hiring an undocumented worker. The bottom line? It is against the law to hire an illegal immigrant.

However, immigration rarely goes after the homeowners who hire the immigrants. Their offices do not typically have the resources to pursue individuals.

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About Elissa Huebert

Elissa has been a homeowner for two decades. As a home school mom, she has to spend the majority of her days at home, so it was quite natural for her to become enthusiastic about things like home improvement, DIY and space management. In her free time, she loves reading and writing. She's also an avid runner and recently ran her first ultramarathon.

17 thoughts on “Picking Up Workers Outside Home Depot (Mexican Laborers)”

  1. I need someone to lightly brush/sweep moss off of the roof and clean gutters . needs a ladder. someone to rake leaves into woods. Need someone to repair window sills.
    in otherwards a handy man jack of all trades

  2. Hello,
    I need someone to tear out carpet in 3 bedrooms.
    remove tile floor in 1 and a 1/2 bath , remove toilets and sinks and tile around tub
    Remove tile in kitchen
    Remove cabinets in kitchen
    Remove all baseboards
    Paint inside house
    Repair siding around house and paint

  3. Hi! I need 2 guys to unload a 15′ trailer into a storefront in Evanston, IL. Can meet you at the Home Depot on Oakton St. or at the property (off Dempster). Thanks!

  4. Not sure why you found it important to mention the race of the people? If they had been white, you probably would’ve just called them “men”. They’re not all “Mexican” or even Latino based upon where you live. Also, the Department of Labor classifies hiring them as a form of labor trafficking. Not saying I agree with them, just stating how it’s classified so people are aware of the risks.

  5. I am looking for 2 guys who can work for landscape. This includes moving dirt from front to backyard using wheelbarrow level them and compact them. Area is johns creek, Ga 30022.

  6. Not all laborers outside of Home Depot are Mexican. In my area they are more likely to be from El Salvador. A better choice may be “Latino”.

    But why mention their country of origin at all? How is that relevant?

  7. Hello,

    I am looking to hire someone or two people to install a 6ft wooded fence approximately 250sq ft. 2 fronts, 2 sides, 1back and 1 gate entrance maybe 2 depending on price.

  8. Hello, I am looking for someone to do some spring clean up and front lawn landscaping. I am located in Orangetown.

    Please respond if you can assist.

    Thank you,


  9. If anyone is looking for work and knows how to install Interior doors and trim reply to me. I’m in Suffolk county New York. Today is 3/17/2023

  10. I would like to hire two men to work tomorrow clearing dirt off of footers. The whole area is no bigger that a three car garage. The block walls are up 5 block high.
    Thank you,


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